27.11.11 / 2:27 AM
I just spent my whole day of 12hours in making snsd's chibi.
No joke oh. Xiong sia . Hopefully buyer would love them ★
24.11.11 / 11:41 PM
single soul
Now I realise how pitiful is my life.
I've been breathing for 18years but having nobody by my side.
Even my only reader seems to leave me.
what's the point then?
Keeping blog alive?
I need some coffee getaway. Might train down to kallang for a cup of coffee.
23.11.11 / 4:30 PM
I am gaining fats.
Booooo! when you see this, it's seriously a disaster .
okay, for some people it's a YEAH for them.
as they are craving for fats! >w<
ate too much niao nah!
my black specs keep sliding down my nose, as it's to slippery.
no choice. got to grab 2 of this 'L' thingys.
$4 sia!!! :< should make myself using clay. HAHAH
21.11.11 / 12:42 AM
Hehehe. Finally, spent a day to do the photo taking and getting things
ready for this tiny set up. mom encouraged me,
and so ya, it's finally here.
Share with people please.
Btw, i've reactivated my facebook just because of promoting this new clay shop of mine.
18.11.11 / 1:34 PM
Deactivated facebook account
in case you no longer find me in facebook you could actually haunt around here
for more updates. hahaha! sound funny, like anyone would.
Deactivated facebook, yeah!
cause they've got hacker entering the god damn platform!
not safe anymore. people would use your name/face
for stupid virus and porns. they've been spreading.
and earlier on, when i entered my classroom,
as usual i start hitting facebook url onto my IE,
and to my surprise it's a farking porn!
and friends are complaining that i am polluting their PURE mind.
so i shall leave the stupid platform,
in case i tio the farking virus and they would complain
i am dirty-ing their pure mind.
/ 11:49 AM
today saw thread from Jiong's official website.
they've posted some comment on asking the viewers who has
left you a great impression. well... i wasn't mentioned.
but not too bad, i've got my friend to back me up, by posting
one simple "Minmin".
why am i so jiong? got scolded and trashed by viewer have my part,
but when it comes to impression to them!? 0?!
nice loh! swee loh! i am so not outstanding even with this hair norh!
wakakakak. never mind,
i don't need your attention then,
as long as i have my youtube viewer from all over the world.
even if it's just merely 10views? it's alright.
at least there're 10 people who seriously cared for me, right?!
hahah. (like a cat, licking it's injury).
break now. update later:D
13.11.11 / 4:58 PM
Clay-licious weekend.
my first sculpey piece after i lay my hands on the sculpey which i've purchased online.
it was supposed to be rilakuma. but... it failed. i supposed :<
doesn't even resemble one!!!
Then subsequently i do some sushi, the same night. (thursday)
and on saturday morning the first piece i did was mickey and minnier cuppies.
it's pretty cute i thought :D
after the cuppies, i did my family chibi!!!!
they are so cute and took me hoursss to complete,
from 10 to 4!!! long enough huh?
granny's hair took at least an hour to complete loh!!!
THIRD BATCH, sisSis wanted a sister charm , so that she could
hang on her phone, and thus i did it the same day(night)
daddy are crazy about angrybird lately, so i did a few birdie charm
for him too~! :D it's so hard!!! hahah
Mami say she's gonna give me a place to keep all my clayee.
so i am gonna work harder:D
it's a frigging great hobby in fact :DDD
dad ask me sell them. but you think there's any potential in market??
11.11.11 / 9:19 PM
It's friday, friday~!
Also, it's 1 x 6 day, how special.
i know today i've already blogged.
but, since i have the time to spare, why not blog here right?
nothing special today, and felt uber sad,
because i missed my 1111 in the cubicle of female toilet
with huda:< haha.
anyway, filmed a video today and picture spam.
a double bonus, for myself. haha.
who ask me to be so 自恋?
with huda :D
After filming Hakka lesson, pictures spam!!!
with my diy 花圈.
saw the round of flowers? i diy it using
daiso's plastic flower,
the HAKKA LESSON, support me kays? :D
till next time, MUACKKKK!
/ 11:38 AM
11:11:3011!!! I SHOULD BE DEAD BY THEN!!! HAHAHA!!!
8.11.11 / 9:39 PM
Quit or What?
Yours truly is frigging tired for the past few days. in fact during the saturday lesson,
i even gave the students some attitude! this is no good! i know!
i've been wanting to quit since a week ago, as i seem to be dozing away during lessons.
and being physically there, but mentally floating elsewhere. ZOMG! shit this, really.
How should break this news to Mr Ng???
Since my friends would still be working there, being vanish all of a sudden would
leave him a bad impression of Nyp students, but i am also afraid that i might have
to see him. it's as if i did something wrong lah. DAMN!!!
anyway, i am making purchases from this online clay shop soon,
would be able to see my new clayeee :D
and might be doing a video on Class Trick. Hakka would be postpone, still mastering in progress,
6.11.11 / 9:12 PM
HappyBirthday MeiQi JJ.
You're the colors which enhance my picture.
TGIF( also MeiQi's Birthday)
Elena and i had been waiting for this day to arrive since don't know
how damn long, cause we were planning to celebrate meiqi's birthday.
but we didn't want any O-so-Normal birthday celebration.
so we came out with this great excuse~!
yeah! since it's all 8 girls. shopping is just a great excuse, right?
though wanching seldom shop,
So anyway, here's how things goes,
we were all split into 3 groups.
1st group meiqi and elena, they went off first, as they need to
get to their workplace for pay( haha! great things fall on the same day,
pay day, birthday, TGIF)
2nd group valerie nadhirah wanching shirlyn,
they had bus concession, so they took bus together.
3rd group huda and me. as i already changed to mrt concession,
so it would be dumb if i insist in taking bus right?
huda just kept me companied, because she is neither nor.
adult fare. so of course, mrt to keep me companied, right?
what a nice buddy.
as expected, huda and i arrived first, so we went around to shop for the
most important actor in this show, CAKE.
polar's cake. HEHE. as it seems like the only halal cake shop there.
BOOHOOO. limited choices since there's this one only shop.
but it's alright, gotten a HelloKitty cake. as meiqi loves HK. :)
walked around after paying for the cake, since carrying it while shopping
would be a troublesome, so we leave it in the hand of polar's
salesgirl. shoppedddd. meanwhile,
group one was still at bishan , while group two just arrived nex,
who will win??? hmmmm...
went street for a quick walk, no, i mean shop!
brought friendship band with huda again.
this is the second one. wohooo!~ Pink again,
she let me do the choosing part, so yeah.
brought didi and meimei each a bracelet too.
not too kind lah, cause it says 3 for 5 , 1 for 2,
so a calculative person like me, definitely would choose
to get two more right?! hahah!
NIAO! o(AvA)o
leaving street after that, cause i receive message from elena and
nadhirah, one saying next stop bugis, and the other one, asking
where are we meeting. so obviously...
the winner is... i shall not spell it out,
you can do your own guess c:
so we hurried back to parco to get our cake from polar.
meanwhile... i just realised. WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY LIGHTER!!!
so how the fcuk are we going to light up the candles neh?!
We then hurried to the closest mama shop, the one, 10 steps away from
polar? yes. that shop. and damn!
meiqi spotted me. >w<
dead meat.
it was meant to be a surprise loh! but forget it,
luckily elena was clever enough saying that we were meeting them
later at kinokuniya, after getting some candies from mama shop.
so meiqi blurblur follow her c:
long story cut shorter.
collected cake and took lift to level 3.
meet the rest(group 2) outside kinokuniya.
Original Plan, light up the candle and bring in to kinokuniya.
But the plan was totally discarded cause of the fierce looking security from
bhg! booo!!!
so we went to the nearest exit, which is the stairs, and start preparing. c:
cake were on the floor none picked up,
yours truly was holding my dearest camera filming the most nice clip,
and ...
what a joke.
the birthday girl came in and squat with us?!
what's worst, we've totally forgotten about the plates and etc!!!
Joke x2
no choice, but to tear the box into pieces and treat it as a temporary paper plate,
and simply bite the sliced birthday cake.
LIKE A BOSS! teheee.
went swensen, despite of the fact that, all of us were fulled with the creamed
birthday cake, but because wanching needs to leave at 7 plus.
totally dulan max, though our expression didn't say so.
as elena asked one of the staff there( the aunty! we were so
suay. the previous time, she also serve us! boh gam wan de face lah!),
if there's any birthday special since it's meiqi's birthday ma.
who knows the aunty replied at the top of her voice saying
"we will be giving you a FREE icecream!"
damn you lah! you don't really have to EMPHASIS on that FREE
right?!!! seriously you think the group of us don't have the amount
of 7.90$ for that god damn NORMAL ICE CREAM meh?!
when shirlyn asked for the flavour, she replied
strawberry vanilla chocolate.
so, to me, it's just like ntuc's icecream, nothing really special,
so i just summarize to elena, saying that it was a really normal icecream,
then the aunty heard, and replied(comeon, i am not talking to you neh! bhb)
"it's not normal, it's strawberry vanilla chocolate and if it's not your birthday
it would be selling at 7.90$, what's more it's FREEE ice cream"
jiput! SERIOUSLY LAH! what kind of servicing are we getting now?!
i think we do need to pay for the service charge ba?!
tiam tiam FREE ice cream, FREE icecream,
i bet if you were the one there, you will also feel the same dulan-ness as me ba?
it's just that god damn 7.90$ , it's not like 790000000000000000000000$ !
why do you need to emphasis on the word FREE?
No brain!!
anyway, Swensen, if you are going to hire these kind of staff,
you wouldn't last long!~
Feedback? No way, you didn't sponsor me a FREEEEE pen for writing it!
plus FREEE brain cell!
_1_ F.U AUNTY! spoil my evening nia.
went shopping with the rest while wanching went home to rest after the
tiring week.
3.11.11 / 9:40 PM
power saving mode
It's only 9.30 + and here's yours truly~! YEAH!!~
i came here to do some picture upload, as i felt like i've
short changed you peepos.
or maybe to myself ba:D
Hang with girls:D
tired smile.
like my eye?
Pink monday
/ 12:19 AM
It's a random update here!
Yours truly is officially tune in the "ZOMG FRIGGING SHAG CRAP MODE".
Why? Look at the time. it's 12 now, and i am still online-ing.
I am gonna wake up at 6 in morning to prepare for my Marathon day.
It sucks. awake from 6 to 11.30?! STINK SHIT!
My battery is frigging low. I need some power booster.
Need POWER NAP. thanks to all these busy days. your truly finally
gets her weight into the 45.8 kg zone.
WOHOOO~! (battery low again)
I bet i would be spending another half an hour here, talking about the updates of my
busy life, didn't know if any one of you are interested in this.
but I don't care :) just stay focus, since i took the precious half an hour to blog about
it before heading for my pillowee :D
Just had my night class, have i mention to you guys about how INTERNATIONAL my class is?
It's just a tiny small group of 7 people coming from 6 different country!~
We have american, chinese person, japanese, filipinos, malaysians, including me, singaporean.
Like WOW right?! I know!!! hahaha!!!
Frigging cool to have them as my classmates, but apparently i am the youngest among all!~
TEHEEE!!! so far, we had 3 lessons already, and it's going at a frigging fast speed.
I could barely digest it. and let's not talk about the homework which was given,
i couldn't even touch it. way too busy. as this sem, i've got tooooo toooo many projects
to do. like WTF?!
could not much take it anymore,
might have to quit my job, as i couldn't find anytime for my rest.
everyday is like a rush!~
from school to work, from work to school otherwise home.
i would never reach my home till 11. and hit my coziest bed at 1!
it's so xiong loh!!!
Where's the fruitful life that i've drafted out?!
I think i should return to my carefree days.
and not this busybee days. COULDN'T TAKE THIS AT ALL!
i am just a quitter! i feel so lousy now~!